FOR TENDER NO : GEM/2023/B/3168126
Unit Name : भारत सरकार टकसाल, हैदराबाद
Name of Contractor : Schedule 1: M/s. Gupta Power Infrastructure Limited.
Schedule 2: M/s. Acromax Industries Private Limited.
Value of Contract : Schdedule 1: Rs. 8,100.00 & Schdeule 2: Rs. 7,375.00
Item/Nature of work : Schedule 1: Led Batten & Schedule 2: Led Tube Light (retrofit Type)
Mode of Tender Enquiry :
Date of Publication of NIT : 02/22/2023
Type of Bidding :
Last Date of Receipt : 03/15/2023
Nos. of Tenders Recd.: Schdedule 1: 08 & Schdeule 2: 09
Nos. of Parties Qualified after technical evalution : Schdedule 1: 06 & Schdeule 2: 06
Nos. of Parties DisQualified after technical evalution : Schdedule 1: 02 & Schdeule 2: 03
Names of Parties Qualified after technical evalution : Schdedule 1:
1. M/s. Acromax Industries Privated Limited.
2. M/s. Glync Tech Private Limited.
3. M/s. Gupta Power Infrastructure Private Limited.
4. M/s. Kalinga Illumination Private Limited.
5. M/s. Shakthi Fixtures Private Limited.
6. M/s. Universal Electrical & Electronics Co. &
Schdeule 2:
1. M/s. Acromax Industries Privated Limited.
2. M/s. Glync Tech Private Limited.
3. M/s. Gupta Power Infrastructure Private Limited.
4. M/s. Kalinga Illumination Private Limited.
5. M/s. Shakthi Fixtures Private Limited.
6. M/s. Universal Electrical & Electronics Co.
Names of Parties DisQualified after technical evalution : Schdedule 1:
1. M/s. Aman Engineering Company.
2. M/s. Yes Celebrations. &
Schdeule 2:
1. M/s. Aman Engineering Company.
2. M/s. Yes Celebrations.
3. M/s. Manan Enterprises.
Awarded to Lowest : Yes
Scheduled Date of completion of supplies : 08/27/2023
Contract No : Schdedule 1: GEMC-511687724676295 & Schdeule 2: GEMC-511687754177238
Contract Date : 06/28/2023
Actual Date of Start of Work : 06/28/2023
Actual Date of Completion :
Award Date : 06/28/2023
Award Upload Date : 06/28/2023
Reasons for delay if any :
Remark if any : Actual Date of Start of Work:
1. Schedule No 1: 06/28/2023.
2. Schedule No 2: 06/22/2023.
Scheduled date of completion of supplies:
1. Schedule No 1: 08/27/2023.
2. Schedule No 2: 08/21/2023.