वेबसाइट अंतिम अद्यतन:

Procurement of Stationary Items for IGMH

FOR TENDER NO : GEM/2024/B/4527040
Unit Name : India Government Mint HYDERABAD
Name of Contractor :

M/s. Shri Sai Ram Enterprises

Value of Contract : 433022.7
Item/Nature of work : Procurement of Stationary Items for IGMH
Mode of Tender Enquiry :
Date of Publication of NIT : 02/09/2024
Type of Bidding : 2 bid and GeM
Last Date of Receipt : 03/11/2024
Nos. of Tenders Recd.: 04
Nos. of Parties Qualified after technical evalution : 02
Nos. of Parties DisQualified after technical evalution : 02
Names of Parties Qualified after technical evalution :

1. M/s. Shri Sai Ram Enterprises
2. M/s. Shekar Enterprises

Names of Parties DisQualified after technical evalution :

1. M/s. Bagaria Agency
2. M/s. Sri Rama Associates

Awarded to Lowest : Yes
Scheduled Date of completion of supplies : 06/06/2024
Contract No : GEMC-511687786925767
Contract Date : 05/07/2024
Actual Date of Start of Work : 05/07/2024
Actual Date of Completion :
Award Date : 05/07/2024
Award Upload Date : 05/07/2024
Reasons for delay if any :
Remark if any :